"Outgoing, Dedicated, Energetic"
Business Development & Marketing Manager, Dannemora Federal Credit Union Hometown: Plattsburgh, NY! Age: 26 Education: Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Clinton Community College
Anna Hewitt-Channell began her career with a series of jobs as an event planner. Then came an opportunity to change course and take on the role of Marketing Manager at Dannemora Federal Credit Union. The skills she cultivated have served her well and she recently completed the professional training for her new position. “I love to get things done promptly and I don’t like to sit still for too long!” she observed. “I’m always on the move and one step ahead!” That work ethic will serve Anna well as she takes on a new role. By the time you are reading this issue of Strictly Business, she will be a new Mom of twin boys.
How does company culture impact you and what do you do to contribute to your company culture? Working in a culture with positivity, respect and a really great attitude helps to motivate me and I try to bring that to the table every day!
Tell us about your community involvement. I am active in our Noon Rotary Club, an Ambassador for the North Country Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Mountain Lake PBS Development Committee.
What would you do if you have three hours off from work and could not go home? I am a huge family gal and so I would spend that time with family and friends. I find inspiration and ideas when I visit and chat with them.
What attracts you to your peer group? There is nothing more fun than having a circle of friends/peers that all share values and goals and yet have different careers and mindsets. You can learn something new every day that way.
What strategies do you use to approach the day? I am a huge list person. I usually can’t rest until my list is done for the day. I try to go into each day with a challenge for myself. It keeps my day entertaining, fun and always moving!
What is something that no one would guess about you? I am a huge houseplant and gardening enthusiast! What started as a “distraction hobby” during the COVID lockdown quickly became a passion of mine!
What important lesson have you learned in your career? How dedicated and passionate you are towards your work/career and how well you do your job is what sets you apart from those around you and makes you an instrumental part of your organization. How can the North Country improve its Gen IQ*? By allowing our younger generations to get more involved in the community during work hours through networking, local events and meetups such as Rotary. By promoting this type of engagement, we would be asking them to do more. Our community and our workplaces would thrive as a result.